[mgt_header_block_wp title=”Portfolio” subtitle=”Choose your own” style=”2″ align=”center” texttransform=”none” fontsize=”medium” line_margin=”small” line_color=”#2f9bea” line_color_grad=”#75ceae” css_animation=”none” line_grad=”true” css=”.vc_custom_1493806870625{margin-top: -10px !important;}”]

This is just an example of one of available Portfolio page settings combinations. In our theme you can choose between 14 portfolio grid layout variations, fullwidth or boxed layouts, spaced or regular grid, portfolio item hover animations, 18 category filter animations, and 3 column count settings.

[mgt_portfolio_grid_wp layout=”1″ show_viewmore_button=”1″ show_description=”1″ filter_align=”center” filter_border=”show” open_image=”1″ show_filter=”true”]